Tuesday, January 29, 2008


On the plane, returning home from a trip to Thailand, the tears started. I was caught off guard. Oddly, there were no tears while there. Is that because it was all so surreal? But, reality hit. I really did see those things.

I really did enter the Nana Entertainment District of Bangkok, and in one of the bars there, watched young girls, nearly naked, dance for the entirely white population (at the time I was there) of male patrons. I really did observe on their faces a leering desire as they watched the girls. I really did, watch a man pay a fee to the Mama-san allowing him to take the girl for the night. What did her night look like after leaving? Did he take her to a room where 5 men were waiting to rape and beat her? That’s not uncommon, nor is murder.

Young girls, each one lovingly knit together by her Maker in His image and for the purpose of displaying His glory. Where did it all go so wrong? I don’t know. But I do know now that it’s being made right. Because, I saw that also.

There is a business/ministry in Bangkok called NightLight that is reaching out to these girls. On Tuesday and Friday nights of every week, those that volunteer there, go on outreach to the bars to form and maintain relationships with the girls. They share about NightLight and invite the girls to come and be a part of it. At the present time they have approximately 80 girls who have said yes. Their lives now look like the following:

They are given full time employment as jewelry makers in exchange for their promise not to “dance.” The wage they are paid is large enough for them to support themselves. But, it’s about more than a job and income. With the position come new identities – business woman, artisan, designer! Other job perks: a large and nutritious lunch, child care, emergency shelter, and an afternoon a week of fun and games.

There is another new and wonderful identity not mentioned above that some acquire – Child of God! The Gospel is as much a part of NightLight as is the making of jewelry. Church is attended by all every morning. There is also mentoring and discipling – Jesus 101, Jesus 102, etc., and Purpose Driven Life. There is prayer ministry where deliverances and healings are common place. There are lives dedicated to the Lord and baptisms!

I must share about attending one of their church services. I was sitting towards the front of the church, with a majority of the girls sitting behind me. The service started with worship and I heard one of the loveliest sounds that I ever have – their sweet voices joined in praise to God. To think that at one time, out of their mouths came the sounds that accompany sex – their responses to men commanding them, “Say this to me. Tell me this.” And in the place of that – WORSHIP! The experience was similar to hear them recite together scripture. The Thai are normally a soft spoken people, but when they read aloud The Word, they READ ALOUD THE WORD! It was very moving. There is also a time during the service when they come together in the middle aisle to greet each other. There is at that time touching and giggling and overt joy. They are God’s little girls as was His original intent. Wrong made right. NightLight – a very bright light in the darkness.

NightLight makes quality jewelry for both men and women. There is jewelry intended to be beautiful and jewelry that declares the belief that people SHOULD NOT BE FOR SALE. Please consider NightLight for all your gift giving needs. Your purchase provides jobs for women and helps build Gods Kingdom. In addition, the comments you will receive when wearing it will provide an excellent opportunity to educate others about the injustice of sex trafficking of women and children. Please go to nightlightbangkok.com today!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What an amazing program/ministry that is. It reminds me of Francine Rivers' book, Redeeming Love. It is such an amazing book, taken from the book of Hosea. I think you would really be touched by it after reading this entry.

I see that you haven't blogged in quite some time, but they are new to me! Excited to read the rest of what you've shared.

Be blessed!
